Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Assignment #3

So I was away this past weekend at Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA. If you're a sci-fi fan it is a must. I had loads of fun and was screening my film "Snuggle Time" at the Film Festival. I ended up being one of the three finalists for the Animation Comedy category. That was neat.

So I haven't worked much on my third assignment for the character design class. We were supposed to draw a portrait of a given photograph and then do at least three caricatures of the same photo. So far I have two portraits and I still don't feel like I'm getting the portrait right. I've discovered I'm a bit rusty at this. I'll hopefully finish it all up by the weekend, but since it had been awhile since I posted. Here are the two portraits I've done so far.

This was the first full attempt.

And this is the second try.

That's all for now.


  1. It looks great. You picked a good design to caricature :)

  2. Thanks. Although the teacher picked the photo probably for that reason. :)
