Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Homework 02

Here's the second week's homework assignment. We had to further develop the character and do some sketches showing the character's personality. I switched characters in order to work on the monster from my thesis film. Just in case the assignments continue to work with the one character I'd rather further develop this guy and maybe find a good story I'd want to animate.
He's a monster that lives alone and isolated in an empty crypt at the local cemetery. He doesn't venture beyond the cemetery gates and relies on mail order TV and the internet for all his needs. He has all items shipped to the crypt next door addressed to it's deceased occupant in order to not risk interaction with the delivery driver. Like most monsters he's a night owl. He spends his nights either knitting sweaters and other items for himself or watching infomercials. It's during one infomercials that he discovers a great book, The Dummies Guide to Making Sock Puppets. He sees that as a perfect solution to create some friends for himself.

What does he want: To create some friends without leaving his safety zone of the crypt.
What does he need: To gain the courage to leave his safety zone and rejoin the world.
How can we relate to him: I think most people have at some point felt alone and isolated from the world.

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